Question 1: | How do I obtain a price? | |
Answer: | After submission of your form in either the "Moving locally" or the "Moving overseas" page, we will calculate the price and mail you our calculations. | |
Question 2: | What are the packaging charges like? | |
Answer: | The prices of the different packaging will be mailed to you and you can get back to us about the packaging you are interested in by emailing us with the mailing number we have indicated in the letter. | |
Question 3: | Can I pack the objects by myself? | |
Answer: | Yes, you can. However, please label your packages so that we know how fragile the objects inside are. | |
Question 4: | Are there objects that cannot be moved by this service? | |
Answer: | Yes, there are. For more information, please email us about it. | |
Question 5: | What are the different methods of shipping? | |
Answer: | Land, Sea and Air. By land, we would take an approximate time of 2 days to move your belongings. By sea or air, we would take an approximate time of 3-7 days. We hope that you would be patient with us and not constantly give our head office calls as to why your belongings are taking such a long time to be delivered. Thank you. | |
Question 6: | What is the difference in duration for the time taken to ship between sea and air? | |
Answer: | Shipping by sea will take 2 working days more compared to shipping by air. |